Emil Holub


Emil Holub is the head of Prague's real estate practice and is widely recognised as one of the top real estate lawyers in the Czech Republic and in the CEE. His extensive experience in all aspects of real estate law includes specialisation in real estate M&A, investments into real estate in general and development projects in both the Czech Republic and the CEE region as a whole.

Emil's involvement in the majority of the large-scale transactions, that have taken place over the last two decades in the Czech Republic and the region, has gained him comprehensive and significant market-recognised expertise.

Relevant experience

  • Advising BPD Development on the sale of its strategic development land at the end of Smíchovská náplavka to Daramis, a renowned residential developer and investor. 
  • Advising AMADEUS Real Estate on the sale of a majority shareholding interest in Máj Národní, a company owning this historically significant shopping and now also entertainment center situated in the heart of Prague. 
  • Advising the real estate investor Patria investiční společnost on acquiring shares in part of the production hub Panattoni Park Chomutov North, from RSJ Investments investiční společnost.
  • Advising G City Europe Limited, a leading owner and operator of shopping centres and residential rental properties in Central Europe, regarding the sale of Arkády Pankrác shopping centre to a Czech real estate fund Trigea from the Partners group.
  • Advising Finep, a prominent Czech developer, in the sale of a residential complex in Hloubětín to the Mint residential fund. The transaction's value is approaching one billion Czech crowns.
  • Facilitating the acquisition of Respekt Magazine by a joint venture entity formed by Slovak Denník N, Independent Press Foundation, Aegis Foundation, and the dedicated editorial team of Respekt. Clifford Chance has played a pivotal role by providing comprehensive legal advisory services to ensure the smooth execution of this transaction.
  • Advising KKCG Real Estate Group on the sale of Bořislavka Centrum, a multi-purpose complex designed by the renowned Czech architectural studio AFA, to the ČS nemovitostní fond, the oldest and the largest real estate fund in the Czech Republic managed by REICO investiční společnost České spořitelny, a.s. (REICO IS ČS).
  • Advising LCN Capital Partners (LCN) on sale and lease back acquisition of a portfolio consisting of 11 car showrooms located in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and related financing obtained from UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia.


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