Šimon Dušek


Šimon Dušek is an associate at Clifford Chance's Prague office, specializing in real estate and corporate law.

Šimon's expertise covers a broad spectrum of real estate M&A and project financing, with significant involvement in multiple high-profile deals within the Czech market.

Relevant experience

  • Advising Českomoravská Nemovitostní (ČMN) and NEMO Fund in the acquisition of a high-value portfolio comprising 16 commercial properties.
  • Advising Atrium Group Services, a subsidiary of G City Europe, on the sale of Atrium Flora shopping center to Max Realitní, a premium real estate fund focused on investment in commercial retail and office properties in the Czech Republic, part of the Redstone Group.
  • Advising G City Europe Limited, a leading owner and operator of shopping centres and residential rental properties in Central Europe, regarding the sale of Arkády Pankrác shopping centre to a Czech real estate fund Trigea from the Partners group.
  • Advising BPD Development on the sale of its strategic development land at the end of Smíchovská náplavka to Daramis, a renowned residential developer and investor. 
  • Advising the real estate investor Patria investiční společnost on acquiring shares in part of the production hub Panattoni Park Chomutov North, from RSJ Investments investiční společnost.
  • Advising Komerční banka in connection with financing of the acquisition of CSAD Praha Holding by Penta Real Estate. The transaction, which involved the purchase of prime parcels in Prague, marked a significant move in the real estate development sector in 2023.
  • Advising LCN Capital Partners on sale and lease back acquisition of a portfolio consisting of 11 car showrooms in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and related financing obtained from UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia.


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