Vladimír Rýlich

Senior Associate

Vladimír Rýlich is a Czech law qualified senior lawyer with extensive expertise in finance and regulatory law, specializing in capital markets transactions, including IPOs and bond issuances. 

He is well-regarded for his in-depth knowledge of financial regulatory frameworks and his experience in advising on debt and equity capital markets. Vladimír is highly respected for his deep understanding of the regulatory frameworks governing the financial services sector, including the implementation of European Commission directives, bank licensing requirements, and financial market regulations. He has a strong track record in guiding clients through the legal complexities of initial public offerings, from the regulatory approval process to listing requirements and ongoing compliance.

Relevant experience

  • Advising Raiffeisen Bank International, Raiffeisenbank Česká republika and WOOD & Company, as the Joint Global Coordinators (JGCs) on the initial public offering (IPO) of Doosan Škoda Power on the Prague Stock Exchange.
  • Advising Všeobecná úverová banka (VUB), a Slovak subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo, in connection with the update of its EUR 5 billion covered bond programme and another syndicated EUR 500 million issuance of covered bonds, listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
  • Advising Morgan Stanley on the establishment of the EUR 4 billion EMTN program of CTP, the first program of CTP. The program also includes a green bond framework.
  • Advising J&T Bank and J&T IB and Capital Markets on the issuance of CZK 530 million 6.5% bonds by issuer ENERGO-PRO Green Finance listed on the Prague Stock Exchange.
  • Avising Fortbet Holding on its share buyout offer to minority shareholders and delisting of Fortuna Entertainment Group, a Dutch company listed on the Warsaw and Prague Stock Exchanges.
  • Advising KKCG, the international investment company, and Allwyn, one of the largest pan-European lottery operators, on the investment of EUR 500 million from funds managed by affiliates of Apollo Global Management.
  • Advising Allwyn, the leading global lottery operator, on its €1.6bn Senior Facilities Agreement with a syndicate of international banks.
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