Relevant experience
- Advising Raiffeisen Bank International, Raiffeisenbank Česká republika and WOOD & Company, as the Joint Global Coordinators (JGCs) on the initial public offering (IPO) of Doosan Škoda Power on the Prague Stock Exchange.
- Advising Všeobecná úverová banka (VUB), a Slovak subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo, in connection with the update of its EUR 5 billion covered bond programme and another syndicated EUR 500 million issuance of covered bonds, listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
- Advising Morgan Stanley on the establishment of the EUR 4 billion EMTN program of CTP, the first program of CTP. The program also includes a green bond framework.
- Advising J&T Bank and J&T IB and Capital Markets on the issuance of CZK 530 million 6.5% bonds by issuer ENERGO-PRO Green Finance listed on the Prague Stock Exchange.
- Avising Fortbet Holding on its share buyout offer to minority shareholders and delisting of Fortuna Entertainment Group, a Dutch company listed on the Warsaw and Prague Stock Exchanges.
- Advising KKCG, the international investment company, and Allwyn, one of the largest pan-European lottery operators, on the investment of EUR 500 million from funds managed by affiliates of Apollo Global Management.
- Advising Allwyn, the leading global lottery operator, on its €1.6bn Senior Facilities Agreement with a syndicate of international banks.