News & Awards
3rd May 2024

Clifford Chance advises Československá obchodní banka and Česká spořitelna on a successful financing of the acquisition of retail chain Hruška by Oriens

The Prague office of Clifford Chance has provided legal support to Československá obchodní banka and Česká spořitelna in financing for Central European Retail Holding, a member of the Oriens group, in relation to its acquisition of the renowned Hruška retail chain by acquiring full ownership stakes in companies H R U Š K A and SEMPRONEMO.


This transaction reaffirms Clifford Chance's dedication to delivering high-quality legal services on complex transactions, emphasizing a commitment to a long-term and productive collaboration with both Oriens and the banks.


Hruška, with over 500 stores is a significant player in the Moravian and Eastern Bohemian regions. The acquisition strengthens Oriens group's presence in the Czech retail market, building upon previous acquisition of Flosman in 2021, and Pramen in 2023 on which Clifford Chance advised as well.


The Banking & Finance Clifford Chance team advising on the financing was led by senior associate Hana Čekalová and supervised by managing partner Miloš Felgr. The team further included junior lawyer Sára Bartlová. The Luxembourg legal aspects were covered by partner Marc Mehlen and junior lawyer Michelle Smagasz.

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